Sunday, May 28, 2006
phew, just back from ajco camp... frankly speaking, i start the camp from zw house and end there too... 1 more nite camp compare 2 others... start off on fri nite where seok and mi went his house, kh and mying,elaine,ys arrive at later time.. both of us reach earliest where we decide to watch dao chang jin den help up in co camp stuff... best part is when ys came, we have 2 tear newspaper... 2 big garbage bag loh.... tear until wanna turn crazy... den nitez off but din get 2 slp much...aniway, 1st time went zw house NEVER play mahjong...lolx...den sat make our way 2 aj where we went bp mac 2 have breakfast... we r like so kiasu.. haven open stand infront 2 wait le...haha...Group 3...intially 6 members but 2 never cum, left with 4... weiling, huiping,cheryl and samuel...had quite a gd time in the camp... especially that when i'm so lame... haha.. a crazy facilator:p Thx 2 every1 who make the camp possible...~i'm starting to miss co le:(
* QT *
5/28/2006 09:00:00 PM
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Happy birthday seok hwee!! ytd we went marina south 2 haf steamboat 2 celebrate...b4 that is college day.. in order 4 her nt 2 c the puzzle.. we have 2 make sure she reach the sch b4 us... actually nt nid 2 make sure lah... cause zw still late as usual...hahaha... den kh with help from wt stick all the wishes behind...oya on our way to marina bay, we put the puzzle in elanie big plastic bag... haha.. den sh never notice it... we enter different door from her during the trip so as to stick finish the final 2 wishes... oya of coz nt 4getting 2 discuss how 2 give her the present... especially the necklace, just decide on ys since he never board same train as us... lolx.. bottle idea is by kh...dvd surprise is by me... apparently the dvd was at least in her bag for one and a half hr b4 she notice it... with us keep saying: check ur bag lah... haha... so obvious... den the puzzle was at the table there without protection of elaine plastic bag when she gone home... but she never notice again... den we tell her that all her present 远在天边,近在眼前... and is quite true loh... overall we have a great fun ytd^_^

Birthday gal= Queen
We need to cook 4 her... ...
but meanwhile we found a new type of "shell" food^_^
"贝壳类" discovery
We need to get the food into her plate
Some get so depressed while doing... lolx
This pic doesn't consists the 3 of us, u can see the guys in the background too^_^
of coz, trip back to home is still as fun^_^
* QT *
5/21/2006 05:49:00 PM
Sunday, May 14, 2006

Intially, I'm just 1 person
Well, I join the AJCO Xian Yue Family

There are times when we feel depressed
There are times when we start to do some crazy stuff
Though we look COOL, we can be CUTE too^_^
Most of all, we "LOVE" one another
With the new members in, Xian Yue family will go on 4ever^_^
* QT *
5/14/2006 01:11:00 PM
Saturday, May 13, 2006
12 may, big day for AJCO... reach scg at nearly 9am... actually mi, not being exco, nt nid reach so early... but den hoh, fri night we too high le, den richard was saying reach early and help them wrap present... lolx... he intially said 8.30am which like so early... lolx... in the end reach early oso nothing to do... cause wrap finish den slack till 11am+ where we go down 2 haf lunch...after that change den bring things go SCH... all dos usual things....SCH: Xian yue ppl dunnoe y got 1 waiting room... just becus the others section dun wan 2 share wif us... lolx... actually they cum, look inside, den only c xy ppl... so they go 2 another room... so in the end we got 1 rm to our own use... still got piano inside... the piano touch is so gd... rehersal carry on...after that is the chaotic part, gals putting up make up... we dunwan 2 cramp in toliet... so went back waiting room 2 put on make up...the guys were laughing lah....both yun long and richard..kept on 猴子 猴子 猴子 屁股 屁股 屁股... hey cum on loh... its not dat red for mine loh... every1 say its ok....i make up finish den took my camera wanna take pics wif ppl... apparently, i make up quite fast... cause just some basic... weining is the pro wan... she has so many tools to use loh... and later still got helper... so i was trying 2 take pics while mervin snatch away the ppl i wanna 2 take pics choice, have 2 wait 4 him 2 take finish pics with them.... wanna take pics with them but everything is in a rush... so no time....Interval: miss the time going out cause xy finally taking pics... fun time taking pics and wow, many good pics taken... haha... will upload it later with good caption...LOLx... will rmb all dos stupid things dat we r trying 2 do^_^Concert: 1st half was ok... 2nd half my dong lie still wrong... haiz, sad but anyway i hun guo qu le... but still sad as practice so many times for the part loh... until can memorise den kept on playing wan... how cum in SCH can play dat well but in sch can... overall the concert quite ok lah... no major mistakes ontil until 2nd half dong lie and chang cheng abit when i feel like coughing... btw my mum say i look sian on stage...y? i dun feel sian at all... im so high ytd loh... especially after taking pics wif frenz....~will upload pics soon^_^
* QT *
5/13/2006 08:37:00 AM
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
3 more days to AJCO concert!!! yet i fall sick at this critical time.... shall get better by thurs... by any means of ways... finally c doctor 2dae.... means i left sch early, pon afternoon pe and bridge... lolx... i dun mind going all those too... ... concert cuming... hope everything fine on dat day^_^
* QT *
5/09/2006 06:42:00 PM
Monday, May 01, 2006
hmm, never realise is going 2 hl house 2 haf bbq until im at giant... and ms is earlier than mi dis time-_- aniway we haf fun buying things at giant wif zyt calculator and all our means to keep the price low... haha... btw im a ghost who appear suddenly... lolxden went her house bbq when the guys were being attack by a small girl using water gun... and i rmb wat they say: 这个游泳池有尿味... we r like omg, our food is there too... wonder izzt cg o yihan who told us dat is gd wat, nt need salt le-_-" start the fire once but go hl house due 2 the rain... her house got dog... but is being locked lah... but the barking still make me fear... start the fire 2nd time after the rain and began our bbq...realise we haf lots of food left after the bbq... haiz, buy too much food le...haiz aniway all gave hl le, cause her house is the nearest... is at her house u c-_-'''fun 2 c almost every1 again...must say i quite surprise dat some1 is better now... mayb is a change in sch but ya, it's gd 2 c he change since he's getteing better... ...~是疏远还是纯粹没有话题呢?
* QT *
5/01/2006 11:19:00 AM