Friday, September 28, 2007
Shopping.Basically is just walking aroundLook at the stuffFeel like buying itBut on second thoughtU won't feel like buying itLOLXI wish to buy stuff for myselfBut account balance is droppingHaizSoon the 1st digit will decrease by 1 leHaizShopping come with a price.Must be well preparedBefore going to one.AlternativelyIf I can find someone willing to pay for meLOLXI don't think it will even happen in my dreamHahaHave to pia for tutorial.How come all tutorial suddenly become more difficult??HaizBut stillI must "try" and do itEnjoy life!
* QT *
9/28/2007 11:26:00 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
East coast park!!
Went with yw, hx,lh&qe
We chat alot.
Apparently we reach there.
Find shade
Sit down and talk
Eat those snack at the same time
After that
Went mac
Had lunch and talk again.
Girls really have the ability to talk for a long time
Believe it or not
And we can jump from topic to topic.
After that went skate
5 of us share 2 pairs of skate.
Have some photos of them
Shall nt post it since w/o their consent
Shall nt post photos of myself with skate on
Cause it's terrible
And I really cant balance myself.
Argh!!Photo of me before skating
Look normal pic:p
After skatingI think I look abit different.
Abit wierd
Then since lots of pro ppl came to the beginners corner
We are being forced to get out of there
Left lh&yw skating
And I said I wanna go to the sea there
Cause coming to beach w/o touching seawater is wierd for me.
How nice it is^_^
After they skateWe went down togather.
I llove staring at the sea
Enjoy the breeze
And let the seawater wash my leg^_^
Now u see me leg
Now U don't

Favourite pic of the day!!Guess which leg is mine??
Below is the pic we took a long time to take This final pic is the nth attempt
Cause previous one kept been wash away
But a great sense of accomplishment after we too it^_^
And I had sunburn
It's really very very red
I hope it won't peel off
Cause I wanna become darker
Not exactly darker
But to have even shade on my arm
But judging from the colour of redness
75% will peel off
I hate skin peeling off=(
But I really enjoy going to beach
I wanna enjoy sea breeze and sea water again!!
* QT *
9/26/2007 10:11:00 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
Today drive to ntu for co practice.Of cosMy brother is still sitting beside meAnd I got horn by other carApparently I don't know whyI mean there is still spaces in between us even I lane change to your laneAnywayI manage to reach ntu.LOLXThen in the mist of coHuang sheng is explaining the part must brake abitThen he suddenly ask me"听说你去考车."I was quit stun and asked"huh?你这么知道?"He laughed and say"internet都在转了.跟你开玩笑. pass?"[I forget to type in this. If he read abt my blogI think i just bump my head onto wall:p]Then I say yes.LOLXHe ask how many times I go take test and I said is the 2nd timeYupI'm still very shocked how he knew itAnd I still cant figure it out.On the way backMy mum came with my brotherHaizI'm so afraid to let my mum to sit insideWellShe say is better than 1st time butShe still got abit脚软And she said I drive like my dad when he just passedLOLXParking in between cars.I took quite a long timeThen got cars pass by meAnd they are neighbours that we normally seeI can see them laughing at how I park.I mean not really laughingDon't know how to pharse itIt's just like seeing some newbies to do things u are alr good atHave not touch any sch workHave to do it soonRecess week will be over before we realise...
* QT *
9/24/2007 11:20:00 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Guess driving will never be the same as u are in schI started to miss my training mannual car in bbdc.LOLXAnd how I wished all the parking lots got put poles.HaizAnd my brother is vomiting blood while teching me how to park.I know what he is trying to meanBut I still cant park properlyHaiz x3Have to practice more on parking.If notGo to multi-storey de sure die leMy problems still exist from the 1st few lessons.Hope I get farmilar soon with the car.Cause I'm now currently a hazard on the road.HaizPractice make perfect.Gonna practice more during recess wk... ...
* QT *
9/23/2007 03:16:00 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
I PASSED!!Yup.Was so nervous this morning.Last time was much more confident Though I failed.But once I passed my S and Crank courseI know everything is gonna be okAnd I drove super slow todayKeep telling myselfDon't drive too fastAnd the testerLike to talk alotFor parallel parkingI dont know why they got off the carMaybe suppose to watch us parkBut my testerChit chat with the sch instructorsLOLXMaybe this is gdSo that he wun know if I had done anything wrong inside the car.LOLXI got back the same test route as last timeTest route 5!Stand for my 五月天alsoLOLXBut this time like never do U-turnI rmb last time got.AnywayThere is once at one junctionThe tester remind me that I'm not in 1st gearLuckily I had not movedBut still kena demerit.But I did abrupt lane change while back to bbdc.HaizAdd more demerit ptsOn my way to the tester rmI knew I sld be able to pass since I never see him keep on ticking the boxesBut as we sat down and debriefHe started to talk abt must gain experience etc etcAnd he say if he really wanna take into account for all my mistakesI will failIn my mind"Hmm, means that I will be able to pass liao"And he started to look down and the demerits items againCalculate the marksThen find things to tick infront of meOMGI was praying hard pls dun thick until I fail.He was calculating as he tick loh.Total 16 demerit pts.Before he ticked infront of me at the deskI think I got 10 demerit pts.But who caresThe relief part is I paseed^_^And my brother just handed me the car keyAnd I drove back home from bbdc.He was sitting beside meTeaching meBut I think he sort of wanna vomit bloodLOLXWe went up express wayAnd I really cant stay in a laneKeep on going to very right or left.And my mum kept asking me to go slowerBut my brother was like saying step on accelratorI was in such a confusing stateIn the endWe ask our mum to keep quietWhile we concentrateFelt so sorry for my mumCause apparently she was脚软when we reached homeHaizCause she has heart problemsSo I told her not to sit in the car while I was driving for these few monthsOr else her heart sure cant take it deYupSo tml my bro is going to accompany me to drive to my piano lesson venueAnd on mon and tue nightHe say he will accompany me go ntu if he is freeSince I have co at nightAnd he will study at thereNus student go ntu studyLOLXSo after that is tuitionMy student gave me mooncakeSo nice of herAnd I think she is really very hardworkingShe finished all the qns in tys for the gases topic if not wrongI was like huh?U finish everything?She was just only sec 3 lohI was telling her no wonder U kept saying u have no time to studyDont do too muchDo some recent years qns can leCause apparently those 1970s and 1980s qns are not in the syllybus.LOLXI will never be that hardworkingAfter that is the CO performances and a condo at boonlayApparently not alot of ppl listeningAnd we also very乱And we kept repeating the songsLOLXOverall is just a performances for co to earn fund.LOLXI need to improve on my driving skills!
* QT *
9/22/2007 10:45:00 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
I must sayI'm a lucky girlTo have so many people around me to关心我YupToday apparently I dont have the ntu 中秋节performanceBut since they say wanna practice for tml thingyI went downAnd join them for the co中秋节celebration.It was so funEveryone is like so highAnd I laughed till I cough like siaoNtucoxy got ppl is from IMHLOLXAnd our relationship are really very complicated.LOLXSince I wasnt wearing the same as everyone elseThey were asking me why I never performed.Haiz说来话长AnywayIn the endWe never practiceBut it's not a wasteful tripIt's fun to be with themAnd played till I'm tired so that I have a Good sleep tonightAnd I won't think so muchLOLXThx to all who wished me good luck today.Though some it's like the 1st time talking to them.LOLXWith so many祝福I guess tml I shall try to relax.Whatever is the outcomeLife still goes onLike what my brother say"Think so much for what? There will only be 2 outcome"LOLXYupOnly 2 outcomeIs not like the world going to end soonSo为自己加油吧!
* QT *
9/21/2007 11:09:00 PM
Finally all mid term consider over.
And recess wk cuming^_^
Left with 1 more test to go.
Hope everything will be fine tml!
* QT *
9/21/2007 09:57:00 AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Discovered something.My driving lessons now is all car model CAnd my fixed grp instructor told me our grp change to cBut nowI found out under my test columnCar model is V!HmmThe next 2 lesson whick is tml and thursIs car model CAnd I dun feel like cancelling them.HmmHope I still rmb model V on SatIf it's really model VSometimes life like thatAlways full of so many uncertainHow to get rid of the ethyl acetate smell on my hand??
* QT *
9/18/2007 04:57:00 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
Today is basically rush and rush.Suppose to wake up at 6am.I disable the snoozeAnd found myself woke up at 630amSo rush to do all those ncessary thingsAnd surprisinglyI got out of my house at the usual timingLOLXI'm able to do those things in 20mins instead of 50minsWellActually I know I can do fast and wake up laterBut if wake up later and disable my snoozeI guess I can dont go sch leLOLXToday basically no tutorial like thatCause is like goinf thru those qn that alr have ans postedAnywayThen went for mathlab Rushed thru all qnsI'm the 1st 1 to finish!But I guessed it isn't fairSince I alr have mathlab programme at homeAnd I had tried out the qns onceAnywayRush to BBDC for my driving lesson.HaizWonder why this time like no confident like that.But just 顺其自然吧!I would just try my best!!WellThen after that is coHuangsheng nt here today.So we pratice one new song菊花台Trust meIt a super luan and no logic song for xyBascially we played until all very 不耐烦It's not that difficultJust that the notes etc etc not shun for us.From 盛夏光年:行星绕着恒星打转 彗星则划过天空 稍纵即逝我希望我是彗星。虽然只有短短的几秒,但我还是灿然过.
* QT *
9/17/2007 11:38:00 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Mass tutorial on morning.Followed by CO orientation.Turn out rate is very lowWe like only have 2 grpsTotal less than 20 ppl bahAnywayThe game is like from cini walked till city hallBut went bugis turn 1 round too.LOLXBasically my grp not really into the game Since we are sort of behindThusWe just heck care and went walked walked ourselfStill buy ice cream eatAnd go bugis st shopLOLXDinner change to fish and coLuckilyCause I really don't like having steamboat at the marina south there.AnywayI think today is quite funCrapping is the best part of itLOLXTml must chiong all my workMUST must must!!!
* QT *
9/15/2007 11:39:00 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
___ measured the mass to charge ratio of the electron and also proposed a pudding model for the structure of the atom._____ measured the charge of the electron by the famous oil drop experiment.The back-scattering experiment conducted by _____ established the modern structure of the atom. The neutron is discovered by____
(Chadwick, Curie, Rutherford, Millikan, Thomson, Dalton)
Above is the 1st qn of moder chem mid term 1.
I know the lecture said he is going to test us on concept
But is this consider?
Everyone is like -_-'' when they saw this qn.
I only know 2nd ans is millikan
The rest just anyhow put.
And I think I got the ans right.
But maybe not the last one
Anyway, heck care
Overall today test is quite ok
But I got 2 qns wrong le
(I'm not counting qn1:p)
Due to my careless mistake
But I got the steps right
So hopefully
There is method mark.
Btw ppl u all can try the qn above
Driving lesson
Havent had one for 2 months
And my car model for the fixed group changes to C
The car is better to drive
Just that I still not getting use to the gear box
And the 感觉for S course is not coming back
I keep hitting kerb today.
But luckily I got the talk alot instructor
Thus, I'm not that nervous
And I was kinda of drive too fast in alot of places where I shouldn't
In the end
He told me
And I said yes
He was like saying cannot lah
Must drive slowly.
And I'm going to try my best to get back may感觉in the next lesson.
Craving for chocolate^_^
* QT *
9/14/2007 10:56:00 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
* QT *
9/13/2007 10:19:00 PM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
NowI think I'm behind time again2 Lab report not done.And 1 is due next tues!Mass tutorial on satThought will be going unfinish qns of tutorial 1 and 2In the endNew qns is out!How am I suppose to finishMid term test for next 2 daysFri night got driving lessonAnd mass tutorial on sat is in the morning!ArghHope I can find time to do2 mid term test this week3 mid term test next weekDriving test next week.Why all test just cramp in these 2 weeks?LOLXLaugh like a child.Smile more.Life would be much easier^_^All the best to everyone having mid term tests!Just think of itRecess week is coming^_^
* QT *
9/12/2007 11:26:00 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Having difficulites in sleeping these 2 nights.FirstI would have difficulty to fall alsleep.NextI would keep waking up.It's like at least 3 times in a nightLastlyI keep having dreamsHaizSome stupid dreams which I cant remember clearlyExcept for the one that I fail my 2nd driving test.HaizWhat does this suppose to mean?Since my driving test is next sat And I have NOT went for any revision lessonsI hope all go wellI hate having dreams at nightIt will make u more sleeply the next day.ArghAnyone got method to stop me from dreaming?LOLXI must be a crazy person dreaming in my own world... ...
* QT *
9/11/2007 01:23:00 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
Now I know why there say laptop is useful in schIt's really useful.Guess recently I have been complaining how there is no lifeShall change my pt of view.Or else I will be more bored and keep on complaingSoLife is created by usSo I must stop all my previous complainingLOLXEnjoy life^_^
* QT *
9/10/2007 04:51:00 PM
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Suki sushi buffetHad it with zyt for lunch today.I think we were at there for abt 3 hrsTalk and talk about life nowadaysWas telling her uni is life no lifeAnd it's like so hard to make real good friendsThough "hi and bye" friends still quite easy to make.Many things can really happen in 1 weekToday when I went lot1Was totally shocked to see the route from mrt station is link to lot 1 with an airconditional pathway.I remembered there wasn't such things last wk.LOLXI wonder how have the town areas changesSince I have not been there for months (I think)HaizHave to find time and go shoppoing soon.. ...
* QT *
9/08/2007 09:07:00 PM
Friday, September 07, 2007
Wonder what is happening to me todayTotally dont have any energyI even doze off in organic chem lectureIt's may favourite lectureYet I can doze off.HaizAnywayI think my phy tutor very funny.She like to draw and solve the qnBut thenI guess she need not need to draw the penguine and sled outIn the endShe drew free body diagram to represent those forcesAnd not drew directly on the penguineLOLXWonder why she drew that.HAHALab report.I guess it's hardCause we wont know how to writeAnd from what my senior saidThey never get back their lab report beforeThusThey will not know if they have written correctly or notHaizWho can teach me how to write proper lab report?I think I flunk the previous 2I'm craving for jap food:p
* QT *
9/07/2007 10:59:00 PM
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
HaizShould have pon phy lecture.Was sleepingfor most of the time.HmmIf I ponI wouldnt have to come to libraryAnd wouldnt have tripped at the staircaseAnd nearly fall forward.Luckily no one behind meThough there might be ppl who sawHaizLuckily didnt land on my face.But hit my leg against the staircaseHaizWhy am I so suay nowadays??I wanna do some outdoor activitiesThough I think I would end up at indoor again.Nowadys the sun is like so shy.HmmI need sunlight!Hve to plan for sat.Since tution move to fri.HmmWhat should I do?
* QT *
9/05/2007 10:51:00 AM
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Cancel my tution today.Cause I think I really need a break.Though I dont think I'm that busy.I'm not in ntuco comm.Think it's better for me.Since I'm not leaving in hallWhy compete with others for points.And now I can roughly tell my dad when practice endThen he will be able to fetch me home^_^AnywayWent Klunch with kh.Wanna ask more peopleBut we asked last minuteSo everyone not free.NevertherlessBoth of usBeing wanna to go kbox for so longDecide to go:pHe was late for nearly 1 hrBut I got the room and sing 1st.I felt so great after the K session.For the past few dayIs like go schLecture/tutorial then bach home.Seriously no lifeHow I look forward to days that have co practiceAt least there somethings else other than studies.And my student msg me happy teachers day!I never thought she will rmbMake my day so happy.Life can be simple with just simple things.But just that humanOr maybe it's only meWho like to think too muchMaking things look so complicated.LOLXNot going to do tutorial today.Intend to do it tml.Since I consider myself quite before timeLOLXHave a new animation to watchOran high school clubIf not wrong.It's a funny animation.But it's only just for laughSince it doesnt really have any plot or meaning.Buying things might be a form of reliveing stress.Though after sometimes when u think backU will find a hole in your pocketLOLXBut at that instantIt really make u feel better.So what if there is a hole in your pocketJust mend it:p
* QT *
9/01/2007 08:47:00 PM