Thursday, November 29, 2007
Finally!Exams are over!!Last paper biochemI wished I had more timeJust thought of how to do the qns when times is out.HaizBut is over alrNow exams are over!It's time to enjoy.My previous student asked me if I'm able to teach her againActuallyI don't mindBut thinking back of her behaviour last timeLike keep on cancelling my lessonsNever do my workNever do any study on her ownI think it would be better if I don't teach her免得自己气死自己LolxJust contented with 1 studentOr elseI won't have time to relax when school starts.LOLX5 wks break from now^_^
* QT *
11/29/2007 10:20:00 PM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
This post is taken from my eldest brother blog.
We've share quite similar opinion about our grandpa
But since I cant write as well as he did
I might just link to his blog.
Chan Tuck Soon 1913 - 2007
* QT *
11/28/2007 03:12:00 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
我想我彻底的输了HaizOrganic chem.我想是你把我踩在脚下了I guess my results won't look wellBut anyway1 more paper left加油!The funeral wake is over.I guess it is really busy for my family these 2 wksAfter 1 wk my cousin hold his wedding dinnerWe are having funeral喜事和丧事在短短的两个礼拜都发生了I guess that lifeU never know whats going to happen next.1 more paper to go.Hope these few wks pass peacefully... ...
* QT *
11/27/2007 10:01:00 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Fierce battle going on with organic chem
Hope I will win the battle
* QT *
11/25/2007 01:48:00 PM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Grandpa passed away ytd nightAt the age of 93Peacefully on his bed
[busy wk ahead]
* QT *
11/24/2007 10:32:00 AM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Physics paperJust hope I would passArghIs so uncertainEverytime after the testThe uncertain feeling will come upIs not like last timeWhen u surely know u are wrong or rightBut I guess that uniI'm always uncertain of my ansHaiz haiz haizBut it's overJiayou!2 more paper to go!!
* QT *
11/22/2007 10:27:00 PM
Physics paper in the afternoon.
I realised got alot of stuff I only known abit
Serve me right for ponning and sleeping during physics lecture
Hope later I'm able to consider all cases
Hope later I would understand the qns
Hope 4 the best for everything for the paper
Just let me pass the paper
And I would be contented
Shall not complain
Shall closed all the lecture notes
加油for everyone!
* QT *
11/22/2007 12:17:00 AM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
This post is taken from不二良穴Can be found under my linkNo2goodHis a designer and friend of maydaybut sometimeI think his post is quite well written痛扁吧!小白濫生活常有的是不如意生意常有的是不順利生病常有的是不痊癒生瘡常有的是不小粒
好在人類學會娛樂學會消遣學會發洩所以送大家一個以前製作的小遊戲 post is taken from wonder if u guys can access the gameLOLXEnjoy^_^
* QT *
11/20/2007 11:04:00 PM
111 paper
2 hr paper 5 qns
But the qns are like so long.
I don't think the marker would know what I'm writing
And don't even know if the structure I drawn are correct
Haiz haiz haiz
But it over le
At least one more paper down
3 more paper to go!
Hope everything turn out well!
* QT *
11/20/2007 10:07:00 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Photos of my spectacles
Self taken
front view: metallic pink
Side viewKind of baby pinkdesignwonder what it isBut I called it the 3 flying birdLOLX
Tried new hair partinghahaBut it kind of look wierd
Can see the sides of the frame too
Back to normal hairstyleTaken from the frontThink it look quite normal without the sides
Hair tied upBut think the expression is much more funnyHahaExpression more funny than the spectacles:pOverallI think today look more normal LolxMaybe get used to it alr
* QT *
11/17/2007 11:02:00 AM
Friday, November 16, 2007
Got my new pair of spectacles todayI went to make it myselfSo the choosing of frame only involve my decision and opinionShowed mum"Hmm, 看起来很像ah lian,旧的看起来比较斯文"I was quite shocked"哪里像ah lian?"I put down my hair and showed her againThen she said put down hair quite okCause apparently she don't like the sides of my frameHahaBut nowadays quite lots of frams like thisGuess parents all want their children to look more 乖But trust meEven with the spectacles onI won't look ah lianHahaShall try to take photo and post it here.
* QT *
11/16/2007 04:16:00 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Forensic scienceHaizMcqGuess quite alotCase scenarioTry my best to write the ansBut I still curious abt the weapon usedThough we need not need to stateButWhen walking out of exam hallI heard ppl saying "durian" as the weapon usedLOLXSince it at some asian fruit orchardBut after some thoughtThe durian shape to make the bruise quite make some senseLOLXWonder if the ans is really durianOverallJust hope for the best for forensicThough it doesnt look wellArhHope for the bestAnd forget abt it:p4 more paper to go!^_^
* QT *
11/15/2007 10:10:00 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Math is over.HaizHope it won't be too bad.Guess it's nt difficultBut I realise I made lots os silly mistakeButSince it's handed in一切已成定局Shall nt think much abt itStick to my usual style.LOLX1 paper down5 more paper to go!!加油加油加油!!!!!!蒲公英的約定Another song from jay alblumThe intro is one of the soundtrack from 不能说的秘密And is the one that I really likeOverallI think this alblum is quite goodAnd方文山的词写得真是没话说In love with 彩虹and蒲公英的約定^_^
* QT *
11/14/2007 07:34:00 PM
Thursday, November 08, 2007
From Jay new alblumWhich I really like the lyrics没有地球太阳还是会绕没有理由我也能自己走Taken from 彩虹~周杰倫
* QT *
11/08/2007 11:25:00 AM
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
PhysicsDon't feel like studying itBUTCA2 is tomorrowNo choiceDie die must go studyHow I wish I could get the new ipod nano... ...
* QT *
11/06/2007 08:35:00 PM
Monday, November 05, 2007
Math tutorial1 to 1 tutorialKinda expect that I'm the only one who would turn upSince the weather was so good for sleeping.So I was flipping thru my previous tutorialWhen the tutor came inHe was like"I think we can start. 'cause I doubt anymore will come. And today is wet weather too."LOLXAnd from his expressionHe looked as if he was quite suprised that is one who turn up. LOLXStarted to ask my previous tutorial qnBut since it was 1 to 1It was quite wierd when I was flipping thru my bkWhile he got nothing to doAnywayI manage to ask for 1 hrJust as I was thinking how am I going to end by saying thanks etc3 girls from next tutorial grp came inPhewThe tutor was saying"U can sit around if u want"I was like" it's ok"Quickly packed my stuff and go out.It's just too bad I had not read thru the notesOr else I could ask more concept thingsCause some of the tutorial qns were like I did half wayThen stuck typeImplied he only need to tell me how to caryr on.But1 to 1 tutorial is not bad at all:pTried to read organic chem notes Since from chapter 17 onwardsMy mind was in a state of blankBut I cant concentrateIn the endEnd up using computer playing gamesThen went for mathlabNever finish all the qnCause I didn't even have the idea on where to start.But since everyone leavingAnd my computer was so slowThat it hang somemoreArgh:@So I just shut down, sign and goNo sch tml!!But have to give tuitionMy student is really so hardworkingIt's only the beginning of novAnd she wanna have tuition.Didn't get the admin job in schKinda of expect it when I go for the 2nd round of interviewCause the person was aking what do u know abt the job.I was like saying it's admin job, called up ppl etc etcAnd after asking other qnsAsked back this qn againHaizI guess it's okSince there is only 5 wk breakI shall really have a breakSince now I still earn money thru tuitionAnd my brother coming back in decMeans that we can have mahjong session againLOLXAnywayHeard from my mumMy grandpa hit the nurse thereLOLX夫妻俩都一样I guess my grandparents are in the blacklist of ttsh:p加油加油加油!!!
* QT *
11/05/2007 06:41:00 PM
Friday, November 02, 2007
It's friday!!No work should be done todayWill leave everything to tml:pDrove to ttsh from my house.Don't dare drive too fastSince everyone except my grandpa and eldest bro was insideAnd it's the 1st time I'm on CTEWellCause I had seen jams and heavy flow on CTEAnd is like almost all the time.So kinda afraid when they ask me to drive downEspeciallyIf there is ambulance behindI wonder if I'm able to change lane etc etcButSince it's like 1+ in the afternoonThere isn't so many carsThough is much more than I drove to ntu.LOLX4 more weeks to the end of my exams!Cough and fluPls go away!
* QT *
11/02/2007 07:17:00 PM
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Biochem test in afternoonPhysical chem on friday morningAs usualDon't think I have done enough studiesJust hope for the bestThis is the 1st timeHow I wish the wk pass fasterButDoubt weekend would be any better
* QT *
11/01/2007 03:09:00 AM