Monday, December 31, 2007
The last day of 2007FinallyWe gave ht, zw and kh their belated presentsLOLXLuckily never drag till 2008HAHAAnyway
Went to have dim sum buffetIt's at harbourfront centreHmmOverall it's quite okI mean at least we had a changeFrom the previous jap/western foodLOLXAfter that is mahjong at zw house without khCause cant think of any activities b4 all of them go meet their friendsHaizLeft me and kh with nothing to doBut we really cant find anything to doSince everyone already make plansI guess next year if wanna celebrate must plan and jio ppl earlierHAHAHappy new year eve to everyone!Have a great 2008 year ahead^_^
* QT *
12/31/2007 09:34:00 PM
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Wooh!Went bugis todayI guess it has been ages since I last wentFood junction moved to 3rd floorAnd the basement change to sort of food street like thatAnywayI guess this time the mission is super well doneLOLXManage to get hold of the major items bahIt's good to have someone who know it all with uLOLXTml is the last day of 2007HmmThinking backI guess one year really pass very fast siaBut The worst thing is thatI don't even know what have I done for myselfHaizI guess that's lifeOr maybe is just that I have always been slacking
Without having proper plan for myselfHaiz Haiz Haiz1 more week to sch reopening... ...
* QT *
12/30/2007 10:19:00 PM
Went marina square today.
Or sld I say ytd.
Back to the topic
Went marina square to celebrate yw bdae
Intially wanna went yuki yaki
But since she's having dinner with her family
We change to cafe cartel
After that
Was dessert at andersen ice cream
I finally get to taste foundue!
We ordered couple foundue and andersen sundae
But I guess the ice cream there is really expensive
And we spent so much on food today!
Like wat yw say before
When we meet
We always choose eating as the activities
After putting so much food into our stomach
We need to find ways to digest it
So the best way will be
We saw the rhythm machine that we used to play in the grassroot cc near aj
So we started off with it
We cant even clear the 1st stage in the 1st 2 tries
And for the fact that
All of us have music background!!
But finally we manage to clear the stages from 3rd tried onwards
There ws a guy playing the DJ machine
His hands were so fast and the song level is like super hard
Even though each of us take care of 1 button only
We cant even pass the hard level song
5 ppl can even compete with 1 person
Tml going shopping again
Another secret mission
* QT *
12/30/2007 12:34:00 AM
Friday, December 28, 2007
Results is outPhewNever fail anythingAverage is a BAnd the highest grade is only A-But then心中的大石可以放下了PhewNo more nightmares abt failing of subjects=)I wonder why ntu dont calculate cap score for us.
* QT *
12/28/2007 02:27:00 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Never went ntucoMy nose is like running tap since morningSo after dinnerDecided to go walk walkI choose a longer route to go causewayAnd I guess sweating really helpsAfter sweatingI guess the running tap is finally turn off.Tml is the day results is out.Saw my brother results todayBasically I think it quite well doneBut then the cap score is still 3.somethingHaizI wonder if mine will b 2.somethingArghAnyway there is tuition tml morningMeans I will only know my results in the afternoon.Hope by the time I'm backThe network will not be jammedI hate the worry feeling!
* QT *
12/27/2007 10:17:00 PM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
K section!
Intially wanna go kbox
But since 3 of us intend to leave
We decided to go partyworld
Since it's much nearer as compared to kbox
We went all the way to clementi
Where there is already one partyworld in woodlands
I guess我跟人质这首歌真的没缘分
Last time sing half way my song was being skipped
This time
I toppled kh drink
And the lady changed the room for us
But my人质was gone
But I dun feel like singing that again
Since always sing that song when go k
The lady was so busy
Cause it seems like she's the only one taking care of things there
But I guess the staff there very few
The lady that register us/bring us to our rm/ on our system/ take our orders/ bring our orders to us/ adjust the aircone for us etc etc
The waiter that brought in another cup of drinks for kh
[And they never charge us for the new cup of drink]
And the other guy who came and collect money.
SO we kinda sing until very sian in the middle
Where we started to点duets songs
Me and kh彻底的失败了
Cause I cant catch zhang huimei part
In the end
Drag kh down
And I also give up
I just sing the guy part
And kh had quite a hard time listening to me and zw singing对你有感觉
Cause apparently he said we sang at a higher pitch than the music
But then
We were indeed singing 1 octave apart
To put in simple
If u are listening from the outside of the room
It's perfectly ok
But if u are in the rm like kh
U will kinda of feel wierd
I guess the part that we got quite high is when singing手牵手
Too many artists
Too many different tone/pitch
The song involve 70+singers if not wrong
But we only have 3 person singing
So cant blame us if we cant catch it
After k
Me and kh went for aj alumni co practice
This time there is more ppl
And indeed
We are really practising
I guess alumni co is not bad
Might wanna to stay on after the performance is over
Well after practice will be eating time
Guess it has been a tradition once u are in ajco
So went KFC
And as usual
Eat and chat
I guess it's so wierd
Ntu finish exams earlier than Nus by one wk
Nus results out on 26/27 dec
While we are on 28dec
I kinda of getting worried
Especially for organic chem
Cause I got the feeling as before
The time where I 1st fail my 1st piano pratical exam
Just walk out of the rm
And u know the outcome in your heart
But what done cant be undone
So hope it turn out well... ...
* QT *
12/26/2007 11:58:00 PM
Sunday, December 23, 2007
This post will be super longSince it's about 2 daysHmmShall start from ytd events
22/12/0710/05 class gatheringClass size was 25But turn up rate was 10I guess that cant be blammedCause initially lots of ppl able to make itBut since weThe new generationNever took note of chinese tradition festivalUntil out parents told usLots of them cant come due to冬至LOLXBut we still went for seoul gardenI guess this is the 1st time I ate so quickly in seoul gardenLOLXAnd thusWe need to plan for activitiesSo We walked aimlessly towards cini2 left to get things on the way8 carried on to walk aimlesslyAnd we tried to find a suitable movie for all to watchBut found none And thusKTV!But not all wanna KTVAnd it's already 3+No worth to go KboxSo we walked back towards partyworldThis was when it started to rainIt was pouring when we arrived at heerenWe were like squeezing our way thru all those pplCause apparentlyMediacrop artists were there filming show创业无敌手ArghWe squeezed thru the artists tooFoubd out that I stood/walk beside some of the artistsBut didn't really care about itI just wanna sing KLolxAfter thatWhen we finally decided to sing K3 more ppl left During the K session1 left since she had something on.NevertherlessWe carried on singing1st time singing in partyworldIndeed it's cheaper than kboxThe food and drinks serve are betterBUT!!The just shut down your system when your time is up!ArghYou cant drag like u did in kboxHaizI guess kbox can always drag for at least 45 minsImagine u went in 1/2 hr earlierDrag for 15 mins or more after the timeslotLOLXSo the 4 of us went john littleCause I wanna goBut it's wierd for guys to shop with girlsSo we split againThis time into 2 by 2I guess it's quite funnyFrom 10->8->5->4->2->1Haha
Got homeShoweredAnd the lights went offI thought just a jump in the circuit boxBut then no lights was on after 1 mins+Then I thought my brother played a prank on meBut laterI guess he won't be so无聊to do such thingHaizIn the endHalf of the block停电HaMy mum was saying老天不要我们打麻将了HahaSo we started to light up candlesAnd In search of tourchlightThis is when I found out that there is only 1 tourchlight in my houseLOLXI guess I'm always not prepared for this type of emergencyHAHAHAHAAfter the electricty supply was backIt's mahjong time with my mum, eldest brother and his friend.The starting chip is $400!1st time I played so bigBut my mum was saying“不要怕。照打。输了我还钱。”LOLXWe played till 3am like thatMy mum won the most and I lost the mostBut since she wonI need not need to payLOLXAnd mahjong keep the brain alertResulting me to失眠
23/12/07StillHad to wake up early for piano lesson.It's a rushAnd I forgot to bring my waterbottleHaizIt's a very suai thing for a水桶to forget to bring waterbottleAfter pianoMet up with seokAnd we sat at the bus stop deciding on where to goAnd we just board 966 and went parkway paradeWithout knowing what types of shops available at thereShop aroundTrying to find suitiable thingsIn the endWe went to psWalk and walk againFinally we deicded on what to buyButThe size we want for the desired design were always out of stock.Even though we were looking at the NEW ARRIVALHow can new arrival stuff be out of stock!!Argh.In the endWe found 2 suitable designs with the desired sizeLuckily we found thatIf notI'm really gonna to give up.
All the walkings in these 2 daysPlus the lack of sleepI guess tml is the day I shall rest wellAnd the furthest shopping centre which I would go would only be causeway pointLOLX
Christrmas is coming.It's the festival to spend money:p
* QT *
12/23/2007 11:07:00 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
I realised time pass really really very fastit's like 2 more wks to go b4 sch start on the 3rd wkHaizI guess holidays is never enoughI wanna to do somethingJust for myselfBefore the holidays endBefore year 2007 end tooSometimesI wonderWhat have I done for the past 19+yearsHmmTalking rubbish again bah... ...
* QT *
12/20/2007 11:37:00 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Ytd went nyhCause a group of malaysia students comingWas quite shocked when I reaced thereThe carpark was gone!LOLXLooks like they are repairing the carparkSo no choice but to park at the double yellow line thereI didn't stay for the whole thingOnly heard 2 songsI think their弹拨is very goodAnd他们真的是有备而来的而我们像是随便混过去一样But who caresWe even lost in the number of peopleThough we are the hostLeft earlyCause my elder brother bringing me and my mum to chomp chomp to eat dinnerThe western food there is super niceAnd is quite cheap tooBut we forgotten that my eldest brother just came back from USAAnd he didn't want to have western foodSo in the endAfter the 3 of us ate finishHe went to the hawkerAnd got Hokkein meeLOLXEver since he went usaHe is like avoiding all the western foodAfter that was a round of mahjongMy tiles were all so niceBut thenI cant even winHaiz又时看起来美好的东西是会带来失望,无奈的HAHAHope tml the weather is nice too!
* QT *
12/16/2007 01:19:00 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Went to eat火锅at chinatown todayTogether with yw, lh, qe,hx&cherylTried the麻辣锅Since never tried beforeAnd it wasHot hot hotKeep drinking waterAnywayThe food there is quite niceBut think is due to weekdayThus nt alot of ppl thereAfter lunch hrOnly left 2 tableAnd when the other table leftThey switch off the lights except for the central oneSince we were sitting at the thereWellI guess they shouldn't have done thisMake the customers quite uncomfortableIt's like telling us to foot the bill and go out quicklyBut we just carry on our conversationHAHAAfter the mealWalk to singapore riverFinally get to see the centralBut never shop in thereCause we went to find the C clinicThe club that decorate like hospitalAfter thatWe went back to the outside of the centralAndThe chit chat session beganLOLXTalk and talkAndHaving plan to go oversea againHAHADuring our last meet upwe had the plan tooBut is like after that never discuss againHope the next long holiday we can really go oversea togetherIn 2 hr timeMy brother will be backAndI'm going to drive him back from airportGonna show him that female drivers aren't lousy!
* QT *
12/13/2007 10:30:00 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I guess today is a busy day.Woke up early for that stupid subject registration.Spent 1hr to register, replan and finalisedWellAt least is over nowNow is the time to wait for resultsWent visit my aunt in TTSHShe having some infection细菌感染The ward door is controlled by card.U have to press sort of a door bell before someone opened the door for uAndWhen u wanna get outU have to tell the nurse tooSo麻烦But I guess this the only way to keep patients inside the wardIn case they anyhow run and spread细菌Get home after thatThink I saw ms.chua on the trainBut I didn't get to say hiCause only saw her when she was getting down the trainAnd she's pregnantWellI guess maybe lots of ppl already knowBut thenI just found out todayWent to ajco alumni practiceBasically no lot of pplAnd nt really practisingWe let the music played and playedThen we played along with the musicThis remind me how last time I practised my piano pieces in my teacher housePlayed along with the musicNot only can practise But also able to get the speed.AnywayAfter that went causewayIn search for wl shoesI guess it's so hrad for girls to buy shoesWe have to consider soooo many factorsWhile guys on the other handIt's much easierSince they need not need to consider the height of heels etcToday ending soonTml will be another busy day... ...
* QT *
12/12/2007 11:03:00 PM
Register for the course is like hell
In 1 min time
All those nice index code will be gone!
Replan everything.
Guess the new plan look quite well too.
Hope I can get either one of the PE/UE
I guess I have quit a high chance to get my PE
Is about taosim etc etc
Is in chinese
Who will want to take that course right?
Hope I get it...
Keep my finger cross...
* QT *
12/12/2007 10:41:00 AM
Monday, December 10, 2007
Nightmares!Have been having nightmares recently.I guess it's 日有所思,夜有所梦WellActually I'm quite worried about my results.ThusI having nightmares that I failed all my subjectArghI hope it wont come true!HaizShall try not to think about it too much要来的终究还是会来COLong time never drive to schAnd somemore is raininy dayI hate to drive on raining dayAnywayWe practice月儿高HaizThat song arhReally wanna make me vomit blood.Hope tml will be better.Lots of us have hair cut.Some rebondedBut I guess the conversation about my hair today was a classic.Have a look with my new hairstyle if u haven't seen it in the previous posts.
First comment"Orh, u went rebonding your hair also arh?""Erm, no. I only cut my fringe""Oh, it look likes u go rebonding. So good. Pay the money for cutting hair but get the results of rebonding haha""Haha. Ya loh. save me lots of money on "rebonding""In less than 15secsThe 2nd comment would come in."Hey! You got white hair!""I always have white hair."[looking surprised]"But last time never see that leh""Hmm, maybe last time I put my fringe to the sides. Then covered up the white hair le""Oh, ya hoh, maybe"And it isn't 1 person who say thisLOLX2 person saying the same comments to meHAHAA few more said the 2nd comment.I guess I shouldnt cut my fringeSince it helped me to covered up all my white hairs.LOLXBut cutting in give others the feeling of rebondingLOLXIt's only fringeBut yetIt changes one appearance so muchHAHAWhy won't all the raindrops changes to s$2-s$50 notes?
* QT *
12/10/2007 11:33:00 PM
Saturday, December 08, 2007
FinallyFile all my notes and tutorialsAt the same time"Tidy" up my roomHaizDidn't really tidy upSince filling of all the notes and tutorials alreadys took me for about 2hrsFound out that I bought lots if unnecessary stuffHaizHave to control myself.HAHAMore cleaning up to be done!
* QT *
12/08/2007 10:02:00 PM
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Causeway ptThere are some new shops!LOLXGuess I have not been shopping at causeway point recentlyThough it is only a less than 15mins walk from my houseimac arrived.YupQuite blur when using itSince need to download all necessary things.AnywayShall try to explore it little by littleBut the monitor is so big20 inchEven bigger than the television set beside itLOLXNow it look more like a televisionHAHATimetable.Have to really go and finallise my plan asapNext week need to register le.Register before we know our results.Systems auto drop the subject if we cant pass the previous subjectThat is taken in 1st semHaizI was thinking what if fail allThen what will the system doLOLXWhy can I plan a nice timetable?
* QT *
12/05/2007 07:33:00 PM
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Cut my hair!I guess ever since I decided to keep long hairMy fringe has never be so short beforeLOLXI guess shorter fringe is betterAt least for nowNo more worry for parting!!LOLX
Me and my "new" hairstyle
* QT *
12/04/2007 08:01:00 PM
Monday, December 03, 2007
Watching witch Yoo heeQuite funny.Guess have lots of shows to watch.My piano teacher lent me公主小妹vcdWellThought is only the 1st volume.Have not watch it yetWanna to watch finish witch yoo hee 1stSign up facebookIs like so many applicationsAnd don't know what to do with them.LOLXI guess with internetLife is never bored even if u don't go upBut stillI wanna go shopping!
* QT *
12/03/2007 10:24:00 PM