Thursday, August 28, 2008
I wanna sleep!
Hardly can open my eyes
Especially during lectures
I only know that my eye wanna close...
Even a cat can sleep more soundly than me
Shall not complain
Since I'm the one who decide on my timetable and schedule
I shall strive on!!
* QT *
8/28/2008 11:39:00 PM
Manage to finish the counterpoint
And even sent it out already
Manage to finish lab report too
But I guess there is no quality in both
I really cant think of anything to write
Just don't care
Nowadays my works are lacking quality
Not as if last time there was quality in them
But it dropped from low quality to lower quality
Got orientalism for my AAI 181 seminer presentation
Wonder if this consider good luck or bad
But nevertherless
I shall do it!
Co main com interview tmr
I mean in the afternoon
All the best to myself
没有风的时候那就让我 开开天窗
* QT *
8/28/2008 12:45:00 AM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
1 more performance downBasically none is listeningKind of expected for this kind of eventAndCant place too much hope on the money tooCause apparently the majority will go to co fundThat's expected tooQuite shock when I thought we are getting the full sumLOLXApparently lots of ppl are saying about the 2 moon on 27 august, 1230amWas telling my mum just nowSince I was trying to look for moonANDIn lunar calendarToday is 初二十三Which is near to 初一Hence u cant find any moon-_-''Shall give up the thought on finding moonAnd stick to my tutorialEither I find a way to buy timeOr I try to make my tutorial and notes disappear... ...
* QT *
8/26/2008 11:41:00 PM
BBCO concert ended ytd
The hk ppl are so pro
The concert is GREAT!!!
And bb ppl are like so fun and interesting
1 performance down
2 more to go
And tomorrow (today evening) performance
I'll to see all the VIPs
But getting back to reality
1 tutorial due tmr
2 counterpoint and 1 lab report on thurs
And inorganic midterm 1 date is out
8 sept
1 day after sph performance
I seriously need to find time and look thru the lecture notes
For the fact that I've been sleeping thru all inorganic lectures
I need time
Anyone offering to sell it?
* QT *
8/26/2008 12:00:00 AM
Saturday, August 23, 2008
* QT *
8/23/2008 08:34:00 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
OMG!!!Cant believe that I actually pass my piano pratical exam!Thought I would fail badlyBUTI guess miracle happens sometimesOr maybeI should say I'm lucky to get a lenient examinerWhatever is the reasonI passed!!!^_^AAI181 first assignment was outShould I do beethoven symphony no 9 Or the maiden and death?Another choice to make... ...
* QT *
8/21/2008 12:02:00 PM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
OMGCant believe that I actually got 8 MOSQUITO BITES on my leg!ARGH!!!Super itchy0830 tutorial tmrYetThe tutorial is not done yet... ...
* QT *
8/19/2008 11:15:00 PM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
SeriouslyI need to start to do my workHow come it's so hard to find time?AndI guess I have Short Term MemorySomehow我就是想不起来Works ARE piling up
* QT *
8/17/2008 09:46:00 PM
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Music lessonApparently the class number really become smallerOnly 7 ppl for NTU3 hrs of lessonIt actually passed very fastToday topic is still on beethoven symphony 9 in d minorAnd just the 1st movement aloneWe discussed for about nearly to 2 hrsThough I'm just mainly sitting down there and listenI really cant understand how they are able to tell which note is which noteSo the last hr is just to finish the rest of the movementsAnd the problem isWe can't even finish the 4th movement by the time the lesson endSoThe prof threw in a qn"What have you learnt today?"And we are supposed to write and email him asapGood questionWhat have I learnt today?AJ Alumni practice cancelled todaySo just ask zyt out for dinnerSince I know that she's having band practice tonightIt's always fun to crap with herLOLXAnd now her dory name will be spread in ntu band tooHAHAWhat have I learnt?I seriously need to thinkAnd Crap too... ...
* QT *
8/13/2008 09:19:00 PM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Wonder why CO like to use black fileAndI brought the wrong co file to ntu todayBought the alumni deAnd the only song in common is菊花台Maybe we should have a change in co file colour...Going to listen hard to Beethoven 9th symphonyAll the best for tmr music lesson... ...Too much wants but no ablitiy
* QT *
8/12/2008 11:06:00 PM
Monday, August 11, 2008
Went Kbox todayA sudden decision made ytd nightWellKbox is full of pplThey don't even have enough set lunch for KlunchSo is the time happy package from 11am to 3pmBut guess whatThe staff totally forget about usNever ask us for our 2nd drinks tooWe have to call and orderIn the endWe stay till 5pmQuite worth it6 hrs for ard $19LOLXSomwtimes it's good that people never notice u'r aroundLOLXNot in any mood to study... ...
* QT *
8/11/2008 09:42:00 PM
The Macdonald delivery incident
Was at zw house playing mahjong
And we decided to call mac delivery using my phone for dinner
So here's the order the kh gave
Mac chicken meal, drink change to milo, no ice
Filet O fish meal upsize
2 mac spicy meal, one upsize
When our food arrive
There's only 1 regular coke&1 large coke
So the delivery man said he would bring the drinks back to us again
So the delivery man came the 2nd time
When zw brought in the drink
We were like looking at the coke
Apparently he gave us a regular coke instead of a large one
So after a "long" discussion
Zw decided to call back and "complain"
After the complain
The mac ppl say will deliver it again
After a while, my phoe rang
Zw picked up and couldn't figure out what the person wants
So I was given the phone
This is when we found out that the person was looking for Mr lim
Since kh was the one who made the order
But the phone was passed back to zw
I guess the caller must be wondering why the 1st and 3rd person sounded the same
And the person called the 3rd time too
To know the way up to his house
The phone was passed round again
And this time
Is sort of the mac counter stuff who delievered to us
2 large coke
In the end, we sort of have 1 regular+1large coke free
It's just one simple mac delievery
It involved 3 people
* QT *
8/11/2008 12:18:00 AM
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Was Tagged by KYSo now
Here comes the qnsTag 11. Are you in a complicated love situation? Nope.2. Do you hate more than 3 people? Don't think so but看不爽的很多3. The last thing you drank? Plain water4. Do you like beer? Nope.5. Is anyone in love with you? Don't think so. Maybe should ask the "anyone":p6. Pepsi or sprite? Mixture of both7. Does look matter? Nope. Personally think that looks come with capability.8. What did you do last night? Blogging&sleep9. Nickname? QT? 10. If you had a super power, what would it be? A super power which actually comprises others superpowers.. LOLX. I guess I'm greedy:p11. Are you thinking about somebody right now? Nope12. Ever called somebody Boo? Nope13. Are you happy with your life right now? Yup. I'm surrounded with my loving family and friends. And I guess luck has been quite good to me too. Even though I'm still blur about the future... ...contradiction again14. Do you like your hair? Yes!!15. Does anyone like you? Yup, at least my family do^_^16. Are you afraid of the dark? Nope17. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Don't think so. Ask the "someone"18. Can you cook? Instant noodles, egg, and ready made food..lolx19. What do you want more than anything right now? change我想...to我有... LOLX
In simple, all my wishes please come true!20. Relationship or one night stand? Relationship.Tag 21. Can you fill this out without lying? Yup.2. Whats the last thing you put in your mouth? Water3. Have you ever kissed anyone with a name that started with S? Nope4. Last person you rode in a car with under the age of 22? none5. Can you play Guitar?The notes but not the chords6. Name someone that made you laugh today? My eldest brother7. How late did you stay up last night and why? Slept at 2am. For the fact that I'm blogging about my tw trip and watching youtube.8. If you could move somewhere else, would you? Don't think so. I love Singapore^_^9. Ever been kissed under fireworks? Nope10. Which of your friends lives closest to you? Quite a number of friends live in the same district11. Do you believe ex(s) can be friends? Yes. 12. Do you prefer to call or text? Call.. it's more direct.. but agree with KY, text cheaper13. How do you feel about Diet Dr Pepper? No idea14. When was the last time you cried? No idea15. What was the last thing someone bought for you? food from japan by huiting and mingyang16. When is your birthday? 28 July17. Who was the last person you took a picture with? AJXY ppl during the XY outing18. Was yesterday better than today? Nope. I can't change yesterday but I have the rights to decide on today19. Can you live a day without TV/laptop? For a day, yes. 20. What are you listening to? My itunes is playing 迟到千年~蘇打綠21. Are you mad about anything? I'm mad about lots of stuff..lolx22. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? Yes23. Is anything bothering you right now? Yes.24. Are you a bad influence? Definitely25. Would you share a drink with a stranger? Nope26. If we were to look in your phone inbox, what would we find? SMS27. Hows your heart? Fine I guess.. let me try to ask my heart..hahaha28. Your last thought? huh?29. Are you your true self to everyone? Nope. 30. Family or friends and why? Family. I know they will always be there for me31. Drink to get drunk or drink just to socialise?Drink just to socialise. 32. Can people trust you? Yes.33. If someone told you they loved you & you didn't love them back, would you lie? Nope34. Do your friends feelings matter more than your own? Depends35. Do you spend too much time on your appearance? Nope36. Things you want to accomplish this year? Increase the GPA score and do some meaningful stuff37. People you would do anything for? Family & friends38. Do you follow fashion trends? Don't think so39. Do you prefer your childhood, or your life now? Both40. What do you do on stormy days/nights? Either sleep on surf the internet41. What's something you never told someone, that you wish you had? Lots.. especially when people are feeling down yet I cant find words to say it out... ...Finished
Not going to tagged anyone:)
* QT *
8/09/2008 11:00:00 PM
Friday, August 08, 2008
Taiwan Trip 2008
25-30 july
1st destination
台北101Me and my eldest bro went up to 88&89th floor
The scenery up there
And that's the shadow of 101
Me looking down
Nice view up there
Introduce my new lover
I hope my all my friends recieve my wishes
I've actually tied my hair in an act cute style
Your hand cant touch me
On your mark!
Trying to steal my lover's wand
My lover's profile
It's kind of strange for him to like typhoon and earthquake
Or should I say he is crazy
Now u see 101 building
Now u see the number 1
It's actually on the same board
Just that looking at it at different angles
We went to partyworld at night
And I was stopped.
The person asked me to show him ID to prove I'm above 18
I was like "huh, isn't it obvious"
Lucky my mum came with my passport
If not
I won't be able to enter
And my elder brother was saying
"Act cute lah, who ask u tie your hair this way"
Not bad
At least I look younger
The room is SUPER GOOD
My brother's friend ordered 3L of beer
And look
It actually came in a桶
And it's much cheaper as compared to S'pore
There's a toiler inside the room too
No need to go out
Either use controller or the computer to choose songs
AnywayThe lightning can only be change to disco ball lightning
So cool
And after u sing finish the song
it actually grade your singing
Following day was to故宫
Cant take pic inside
I'm not really interested in these stuff
Next is to淡水
As the typhoon was so called coming tomorrow
So must go to places which is near the sea 1st

The famous渔人码头
I love the sea!!
OMY! Look at the sunset
The next day was so called the typhoon day
But in the morningThe weather is so good
So we went out again
The seats inside the MRT station
Cool right?
在此,我用我的生命保证... ...
I'm not signing any contract at there
It's kind of early+typhoon day
Thus not many stalls open yet
Despite mum kept saying
She bought a doraemon at there for my birthday present!
Thanks Mum!
Side track abit
She actually help me added a HSS PE this afternoon when I was in sch
Back to基隆
Look at the seafood at there
And it's quite cheap too
Yum yum!!

Open your mouth
Crab shell house
The next day was actually the worst day of typhoon
And It's on my birthday!!
The wind and rain were super big in the morning
Lucky we were in taipei
So by afternoon
The rain stopped and I went for hot springs!
And since it's hot spring
Of course no photos!
The hot spring is super nice
Especially on a typhoon day
Where no one will be there
Me and my brother's friend's wife were like贵妇
The next day I went to modern toilet for lunch
It's actually toilet theme based
Here come the drinks
You could actually take the one above home
And the drinks are mostly yellow in colour
I mean at least for the both drinks we ordered
And there's still bubbles up there
It really looks like... ...
But I'm still happily drinking from it
My food!Despite the马桶碗and大便碗side dish
The food I ate was actually quite nice
Guess this look more gross
But the ones below will be much worse
The ice cream
It looked ok now
But wait till u finished the ice cream
HAHAHAMum was saying好恶心啊
I guess only "yongesters" will wanna try these funny stuff
The other big ice
It looked big
But then is only because of the whole chunks of crushed ice down there
And for the fact I choose chocolate ice
It looked more digusting
The last 2 days are mainly shopping
As the rain kept on come then go
My last lunch at taipei
Despite I'm eating by myself
Look at the numer of spoons they gave me
I love the cheese!
What can I say
The red bean is super super nice!!!
And of course
Time to go homeBack to my beloved Singapore
I personally still prefer our own changi airport
Next will be the pics during ajxy gathering
And of course
There's tag to do also
* QT *
8/08/2008 11:07:00 PM
Monday, August 04, 2008
Yesterday was too high to do a review on sodagreen concertI love the openingFor every one note played on the keyboardA droplet will drop down on the screenThe timing was so niceI guess their songs are not that rockSo basically can sit down and listenAnd there's lots of冷场When the atmosphere was super highThe lights were all off and they went down to change clothesAnd there was silenceThe screen only started to show the video after some timeBut I guess the fun part was they allow us to点歌But since I'm behindIt's impossibe for me to short the songs I wantLOLXOh noI guess I'm now addicted to mayday& sodagreen******************************Something wrong with my laptopAll the posting of photos have to be postpondIncluding the photos taken just now at xy gatheringI hope nothing will go wrongHope that tomorrow my brother will fix it for me3 months of holiday passedYetI don't think I have rest well enough... ...
* QT *
8/04/2008 12:15:00 AM
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Just back from Soda Green concertOMG青峰is super crappy and funnyAnd阿龚super zaiI guess some ppl are just gifted in musicHe can change between viola and piano so easilyAnd they had a white coloured grand piano at the concertNot forgetting the small string ensemble and a flute player on stageI got their T-shirtDespite earlier on I kept saying I'm not their fanBut after this concertI guess I've become oneLOLX蘇打綠will become the 2nd band in my heartHAHANot going K tomorrow alreadyFor the fact I can sense the sore throat is comingWellKind of expectedWent to KTV at Taiwan during the 1st nightFrom 10+pm sang till 2amDid I mention their KTV rooms are super good?Went to partyworld at thereBut totally different from the ones in S'poreThe is toilet inside the room itselfWide range of stuffAnd a commputer there to choose songsOh I'm going off the topicKTV+fried and BBQ food+lack of sleep in twGuess tomorrow is not the time to go sing kEspecially I've been told that my key is low Shall try to take care of my throatI can sense that the voice is getting lower and lowerI cant believe that sch starts on mon!
* QT *
8/03/2008 01:11:00 AM
Friday, August 01, 2008
I'm backDespite the typhoon there
Wanna post photos
But then need to arrange the photo
And I guess it will take a very long time to upload the photos
Allocation of PE is out
Got HC803 instead of HC805
And 3 auditions to go for for music modules
1 music module clash with HC803
Have to give out on one of them
Tough decision arh
2 nights dreaming of failing practical exam
日有所思 夜有所梦
Shall upload the photo soon
* QT *
8/01/2008 06:32:00 PM