Tuesday, January 27, 2009
As usual通宵麻将at seok's houseFor the 1st timeWe played 两毛四毛With our starting chips added up to $42!OMG! Stress!LOLXAt a point of timeI only left with $1.80 in my drawer!!Luckily in the end lost $10 onlyIf notNo money to eat for my meals this weekLOLXAnd KH is the big winner一家赢三家The 1st time I saw someone海底捞月After majong, rush home shower and make my way to meet the girls to go to Alex's houseI should have just take my time Or went Mac for breakfast 1stLOLXBut I think sleep is more importantHahaThe food at his house was niceAnd he make it himeself*Clap x3*Especially the cheesecakeAnd kept asking us to eat and eatLOLXIn the endJovi was engrossed in playing xbox with his brotherThe self destruct thingyI was sitting down thereTrying to keep myself awake after one night of mahjong+heavy lunchLOLXMust thanks him for inviting us!^_^Now it's time to do lab reportOr maybeI shall get some sleep firstzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
* QT *
1/27/2009 10:28:00 PM
Monday, January 26, 2009
* QT *
1/26/2009 12:45:00 PM
Friday, January 23, 2009
Section practice today without Huang shengIt's fun (oh dear, don't let him know)LOLXWent through往事如惜Which was lead by hau yeeThen followed by 长城And of course is by our very pro soloist老大Both of them very funnyEspecially老大was trying to analyse the feeling of the songImagine u're in a car then suddenly something caught your eyeThen you found out that it's长城LOLXAnd 要有对的感觉And the conclusion they reached at the end of the practice"你们在老师面前很紧张是吗?在这里都可以拉,可是老师面前就不可以了。要放轻松."LOLXI guess both of them can really teachAnd is in those relaxed moodThat you won't feel practising is a hard chore^_^
* QT *
1/23/2009 12:16:00 AM
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Once againI'm sickNot going to school todayHopefully the flu n fever can go awayHopefully can take the chance to finish my lab report alsoWhy am I always falling sick?AndFor the fact that I took the flu vaccineMaybe I shall save the money next time to do other stuff...
* QT *
1/20/2009 10:47:00 AM
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Went out to celebrate Cheryl birthday todaySo we had out lunch at sea harvest (if not wrong)A restaurant under Jack's Place companyAnd they played birthday song when they took the cake out!LOLXThe birthday song is super long.Chinese+ english slow versionFollowed by the fast version of the twoLOLXThen went to shop inside bugis streetOMG!The crowd was like everything there's freeBut manage to get what we wanted for herA pair of jeans+2 T-shirt+a pair of slippers!!And it suit her well^_^And I got myself a backpackSeriouslyI think I'm having way too much bag alreadyMust stop the buying of bagLOLXBut now I have shoulder bag and backpack of the same materialAnd They are all about the same colourLOLXNo choiceWho ask me to like bag make of those material^_^A happy day^_^
* QT *
1/18/2009 11:12:00 PM
Friday, January 16, 2009
Watched Ponyo!!It's nice though quite alot of people told me previous series were betterBut stillI think Ponyo is of a different kind=)Think I shall slack and not do anything related to my lab report todayNo time I knowBut I just feel like slackingEspecially I cant find the answer I want in all my referencePonyo theme song is available in my music blog^_^
* QT *
1/16/2009 11:47:00 PM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I've decided to delete previous post
So wierd to see such a wordy post in my blog
Tomorrow 1st lab lesson
I've no idea what's the lab mannual is trying to tell me
All the best to me then
May the Buddha bless me for tmr lab lesson!
* QT *
1/14/2009 11:31:00 PM
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Super cute sheep.
I saw its cartoon in HKBut
This toy is bought in KFC S'pore
* QT *
1/11/2009 09:45:00 PM
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Sch starts againAnd I'm already sleeping in lecture againWellMy timetable looks okJust that Mon and tue end quite lateMeans that I won't be driving to schMeans that I've to climb up to nyh!CO is bad for xyHaizBut we'll still hang onI believe we can do it我要死死的算拍子I got my hair extension done on sat^_^And my mum only found out on tue-_-''StillI think it still looks okAt least I must think so=p
* QT *
1/08/2009 12:12:00 AM
Sunday, January 04, 2009
A random post I found in 蔡康永 blogJust for infomationHe is the host of 康熙来了And I really like the shows that he hosted before樓梯 ,有沒有厭倦過往上 ?
照片 ,有沒有厭倦過記得 ?
牙刷 ,有沒有厭倦過牙齒 ?
灰塵 ,有沒有厭倦過漂浮 ?
火焰 ,有沒有厭倦過燃燒 ?
夢境 ,有沒有厭倦過嚮往 ?
死神 ,有沒有厭倦過殺戮 ?
愛神 ,有沒有厭倦過祝福 ?
樓梯 ,有沒有厭倦過往上 ?
我啊 ,有沒有厭倦過記得 ?
牙刷 , 有沒有厭倦過牙齒 ?
我啊 ,有沒有厭倦過漂浮 ?
火焰 ,有沒有厭倦過燃燒 ?
我啊 ,有沒有厭倦過嚮往 ?
死神 ,有沒有厭倦過殺戮 ?
我啊 ,有沒有厭倦過祝福 ?To take a look at the original post:愛神 ,有沒有厭倦過祝福 ?<http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4c69db7d0100bht1.html>
* QT *
1/04/2009 12:12:00 AM
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Venue: Lim Chu kang + bishan area
The keychain I got In HK!
Our rented hybrid car
it's a super nice carQuite nice to drive too
The girls in the car
Even the car key is different from the normal ones
Introduce the driver of the day
First destination: goat farm
But It's closed due to some health screening stuff
No goat, no sheep
So quiet inside
So we moved ard Lim chu kang in search of places
Second destination
Some fish thingy place
But look at the number of turtles inside
And they are so huge in size!
Feeding the "fish"
Us and the fish foodWe knew that those fishes were hungry
Come come!
Get your food
This is a place for people to fish
Someone out there trying his luck
And we saw someone caught a huge fish1st time saw people caught a fish
The fish was jumping up and down on the pavement loh
3rd destinationFrog farm
Look at the number of frogs!
And is kind of scaryEspecially there's one who jumped up to the barrier
Don't even dare to go close
So no pic for that
Mating pond for the frogs!
But the frog just stayed there
So nothing much to see
There's even more frogs mating in the previous photololx
4th destinationLunch at farmart
Since this gathering is on natural theme
We must of course have some natural drink
* QT *
1/03/2009 05:11:00 PM