Saturday, February 28, 2009
The concert is over!Well done everyone^_^As compared to last yearIt's betterEven for the rehersalButSo sorry to老大我想我们毁了长城第二乐章:(Luckily老大was thereWhat can we do if he's not there?I wonder if the rainbow that we saw on Wednesday means good luck?StillI'm so excited and happy to see the rainbow!彩虹不是说想见就能见每当下雨时我总是在寻找彩虹但总是找不到只有在不经意时才能看到彩虹。
I took the pic for KY facebook.So sorry never ask for your permission :p
* QT *
2/28/2009 10:46:00 PM
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
国王穿上新衣认为自己是最帅的身旁的大臣与人民都不敢告诉他事情的真相直到一个小孩的出现。。。 。。。你认为自己很受欢迎但结果却不是。更惨的是你不像国王一样有小孩告诉他真相你只能活在自己很受欢迎的世界里。。。 。。。我开始有一点可怜你。同样的你认为自己是一个人但其实你不是。不过请你放心。看看你的周围你会发现有许多人在旁保护着你有时只有信任自己才是帮自己最大的忙。或许这也是我需要的。。。 。。。
* QT *
2/24/2009 12:04:00 AM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Hui Xian 21st Birthday Surprise Celebration
Date: 15/02/09
Venue: Her house
Preparing the cake (one storey below her house)Cheryl was busying putting the card n present at her door step at the same time.
Too bad
Only one camera man that day
Making our way up with the cake=)
After which a video was taken
But too hard to be shown at here
Please view it at facebook
[Only applicable for us only]
The super nice chocolate cake
Cutting the cake
And of courseThe host must serve it to usLOLX
Baby-G watch!
Time to take photos!!Formation of pyramid
Maybe she finally made a choice?LOLX
Shall end with a proper nice group photo!^_^
* QT *
2/18/2009 11:29:00 PM
I should just accept it when someone just don't want take my car
I'm not that good to drop u off at your house
Despite it's only 2 stations away from the point I dropped u off
Or maybe it's because u hate me to the core?
For trying to oppose to everything u said
What u said are really rubbish
And of course
Guess next time shall not ask if u (all) need a ride
I tried my best
And now
I want to have nothing to do with u (all)
我踏上未知的土地种下鲜花 祈求一场雨
* QT *
2/18/2009 12:52:00 AM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
"如果有一个世界浑浊的不像话原谅我飞 曾经眷恋太阳"~陳綺貞 - 鱼~我真得很想飞向太阳
飞向一个我认为有希望的地方... ...
* QT *
2/15/2009 12:34:00 AM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
* QT *
2/14/2009 01:11:00 AM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
CNY celebration over the weekend
Must make use of the last 3 days of CNY
Date: 07-02-2009
Venue: Hui Ping's house
Our trip to heaven!!
Group photo!
The table is FULL of food
Look at the amount of food that her aunt prepare for us.OMG!And we only have 8 person.Next time must tell her that only 4 are comingLOLXAll the dishes were super nice!!^_^
Time to attack!!!
I guess we're really being released by 阎老板
Our stomach were so full that we sat at the dining table and restLOLX
Blackjack Time!
Our dearest host and 带屎king
Date: 08-02-2009
Venue: KK's house
A day to exercise
The motive to arrive early is to play Wii
Shh...Can't u see that we're all busy
The volleyball game in RabbidAnd
Peow ee is super good at it
The track gameThe song the rabbid sing was so funny
As a player
U won't get to see what happen
U'll only focus on your part
See how excited Peow ee is?
Toss high high up into the air
Pizza as dinner!
Yummy yummy!!
After dinnerIt's wii or mahjong
Look how serious the wii people are
Shake shake shake!!!
The mahjong group
The ang bao lucky draw
Listening to the rules
Finally CNY is over
Hope everyone has a good time
* QT *
2/11/2009 12:19:00 AM
Saturday, February 07, 2009
I must say this week is a busy weekThe fund raising bazaar + rabobank performanceWellIf u consider that as a fund-raising bazaarStillWe need to find ways to earn money and return back to the schRabobank performanceAs usualWe're the background musicStillIt's fun to be with the alumni ppl^_^And I'm happy that they never let the dog out this yrThough can keep on hearing them barkAnd with Diana scaring me with her super sound alike dog barkingFinally bought 陳綺貞new alblumIt's super nice!!!Recommended to all^_^
* QT *
2/07/2009 04:42:00 PM
Sunday, February 01, 2009
I wonder what to blogI seem to be busyHoweverWhen I looked backSomehow I think I'm slackingMaybe it's because I'm not doing what I feel like doingSometimes I wonderWhat have I done for myself for the past 20 yearsHaizI guess it's much easier to listen to songsAt least it's a place we can escape to陳綺貞-太陽 A song that keeps on ringing in my head nowadays我膽小的對自己說,就是這樣嗎?我是你夜裡的太陽,也是你,影子裡的悲傷。我問我 這世界是否,一如往常?讓我照耀 你安息的時光。你是我 小心維護的夢,我疲倦的享受著,誰也無法代替你的光芒。我是我 一碰就碎的太陽,我熱切的希望,能在消失之前,得到信仰。我膽小的對自己說 就是這樣嗎?我是你眼裡的太陽,也是你鏡子裡的驕傲。我問我 這世界是否,一如往常?需要我在擁擠午夜發光。你是我 小心維護的夢。我疲倦的享受著,誰也無法代替的孤傲。我是我 疲倦流浪的太陽。我熱切的希望,能在消失之前,得到信仰。你是我 小心維護的夢。我疲倦的享受著,誰也無法靠近的孤傲。我是我 疲倦流浪的太陽。無法為自己,無法為誰,靜止下來。我是我 一碰就碎的太陽,我熱切的希望,能在消失之前,得到,信仰。The mv is available in my music blog.
* QT *
2/01/2009 11:03:00 PM