Tuesday, April 28, 2009
FinallyExams overThink most of the papers are凶多吉少ButSince it's overJust don't think about it and enjoy the holidays!Went out for dinner with HW groupWill upload the photos soonIf I'm not that lazy hahahaAnyone got part time jobs offer?
* QT *
4/28/2009 02:05:00 PM
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I guess there's a high chance that I'll get to meet him next year too
What is over is over
1 more paper left... ...
* QT *
4/22/2009 05:03:00 PM
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Where is my exam mood?Totally no idea...
* QT *
4/21/2009 05:17:00 PM
Friday, April 17, 2009
Lab examOMGIt's toughI rather do full lab report for all my experiments then having the exam35 MCQsBut it took me 1.5 hr to do itWith some qns tikam tikamWhere on earth do u need to plot graph out to do mcq?And calculate the gradient, x-axis values etc etcThought something wrong with my paper when I see no values under the x-axis partLuckily never raise hand askIf not, so embarrassArghStill It's over=)Shall not do any study today [bad student]2 more to go...
* QT *
4/17/2009 08:44:00 PM
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Working in 21st centuryWrite until my hand painWrite until my pen no ink (luckily got spare)LOLxDidn't manage to answer finish all qnsThe first 3 qns was still ok I thinkBut not sure am I answering to the questionButLast question is on emotional intelligence and career goalEspecailly the career goal partDidn't even know what to write so crap againBut only manage to crap 2 paragraps then time up-_-''And all the personal examples I gave are fake for 50%LOLxJust hope that I would got an S3 more to go...
* QT *
4/16/2009 10:25:00 PM
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
So I made a mistakeIt's 100 MCQs instead of 200But whatever it isI think I guess for more than 50 questionsEspecially for the maths partWhich I totally ignore the lecture notesSo no one to blameHopefully luck is with meHahaha4 more to go!
* QT *
4/15/2009 10:18:00 PM
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Green chemTotally have no idea how to design a 100% green reactionStillSqueeze some funny reaction and molecules out Even I was laughing to myself about the alternative reaction I came out withLOLXBadly done I thinkBut there nothing I can doShall work on defence science now!Please let those facts get into my memoryIf notWish me good luck for the 200 MCQs tomorrow!1 down, 5 to go...
* QT *
4/14/2009 10:14:00 PM
Monday, April 13, 2009
Tomorrow is the dayWhere the battle begins!Not sure how much I rememberHopefully enough to answer the questionsAs usualMy cute little mushroom is out to加油打气!^_^
* QT *
4/13/2009 03:46:00 PM
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
4 papers next week (Tuesday-Friday)But I've no mood to studyArgh!!StillI must study!!Good luck to everyone!!!加油x3!!!^_^
* QT *
4/08/2009 10:59:00 PM
Sunday, April 05, 2009
陳綺真演唱会由于票房不是很好,所以我们的座位免费升级。^_^我想不去看她演唱会是一种遗憾。她的声音与歌词有一种莫名的穿透力,一种莫名的感动,一种莫名的摇滚力量,一种说不出口的震撼力。就像吉他手的歌词一样在那短短的一秒钟我相信她是看到我的!哈哈哈!虽然是不可能的。哈哈哈哈!我喜欢安可里的其中一首歌的歌词是一首没有收入在任何作品的歌<每天都是一种新的练习> (百度歌词)‘我被恐惧深深的囚禁 我没有力气逃出去每天都是新的练习 用今天换走过去 用明天换走失去的'我想我深深的中了陳綺真的毒。但我乐在其中!!!^_^
* QT *
4/05/2009 01:08:00 AM
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Chang my music blog addressFor the fact that I need to prevent people taking the course next semester to read itI guess my blog entries are way off from what we're suppose to do intiallyLOLXSteamboat tomorrowI hope there will be prople comingEven though I receive no confirmation from them
* QT *
4/02/2009 09:34:00 PM
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
SoI finally went for defence science lecture todayAnd It's also the last lectureTo sum upI only went for 3 lectures for this courseShall try to read the notesSince the coordinator said everything will be on the lectures notesSince he cant understand all the external speakers alsoLOLXBut since it's a pass fail moduleLet's relax abit^_^Happy april fools day to all!Can visit www.imayday.comAnd u'll see what mayday did for this year april foolLOLX
* QT *
4/01/2009 08:18:00 PM