Monday, May 31, 2010
Long winded post abt my job
1) 20% discount storewide *conditions apply
I do admit that the conditions apply is a bit small
But I guess it's common sense that there's always terms and conditions
Don't ask me where there's no further discount when the products are
1) Stated NETT price
2) Promotion package price
3) Red tag no further discount
And for those who were shocked there's a discount
Can't u see the 20% discount storewide board?
It's a good thing that the stuff u bought is cheaper
Why must u looked so shocked and asked why?
2) I'm doing my job as cashier not as math consultant
People like to ask: " So how many percent is that? is it 20 or 30%?"
They asked after I told them the discounted price
It's already discounted and yet
They wanna know each item discounted price and the respective percentage off
Maybe this wkend I shall bring my scientific calculator
Is much easier to calculate using scientific calculator
3) The Great Summer Sales
I agree it's misleading
Please tell the manger not me
I can't take the board down
4) Customers should do their maths before buying
Don't ask me where is it so expensive after discount
U're the one who bought so many things
"How can such cheap things add up to be so expensive?"
So I've to calculated the amount before discount for them to see
[Sir/Madam, it's time to revise your maths!]
The next shift is work 4 days
And there's going to be discount for cardholder
I wonder am I so annoying when I'm a customer... ...
* QT *
5/31/2010 10:30:00 PM
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Some recap of today work
There's an annoying customer who ask if the product is 20 or 30% discount
After she made her payment and realized there's $1.50 in her card
She went to take a t-shirt and wanna use the pts
Then she couldn't find her card and asked if I've returned it to her
There's no card at the counter
And so
We asked her to look again
And her baby was crying so badly so she left
Hopefully don't let me bump into her again
It's hard to serve her
Customer asked me am I from China?
For the fact that she think that I can speak chinese well
I wonder how many bananas have she met when she's in SG
Other than the fact that this job required me to stand
And stand till my leg pain again :(
And repeating saying the same thing at the cashier
[For don't know what reason, I'm at the cashier for >90% of my time]
This job is quite ok
Sometimes the conversation with the customers can be funny
Of course
Sometimes annoying
And not forgetting the fact that can sleep till 9am+ when I need to start work at 1030am
But leg pain and sore throat are really unbearable.
Off tomorrow!
Time to watch videos online!
* QT *
5/27/2010 09:51:00 PM
I didn't fail 313But I got the lowest grade of the passing grade
And D+ for 312
I'm happy that I didn't fail
I thought I would need to extend 1 more semester of study
Pop and Jazz
Disappointed but then
It still helps in pulling my GPA
My first A in chemistry actually came from 425
That's a bonus
And thanks to that pulling this semester score
If not
I guess I would get warning letter
GPA score dropped by 0.1
But heck
When have I care abt the GPA score before
是时候睡觉了... ...
* QT *
5/27/2010 12:04:00 AM
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Today was ok I thinkDidn't really meet unreasonable customers
Of course
I won't want to meet any.
2 funny lady in the changing rm
[Customer] [Me]
"Is this maternity shirt?"
"I don't think so."
"This shirt fit and is comfortable. But do u think it looks like maternity shirt?"
"I don't think so."
"I not pregnant. I'm just fat."
[ -_-''] " It looks fine to me." ^_^
This time the customer was an old lady
Then she asked if the shirt seems fit
And she bought that shirt
This Ahma super cute lah
I can swear that the clothe is not low cut!
Full day tomorrow
Hope I'll be surviving... ...
* QT *
5/25/2010 11:12:00 PM
Monday, May 24, 2010
这一点也不算什么... ...
只是想发发牢骚吧了... ...
* QT *
5/24/2010 11:16:00 PM
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Navy Open House 2010
This time my job was so relaxing
Can sit down and just eat from the buffet
It's a nice Job
Except for the waking up at 430am


Took this pic on my way out

This cow is super cute!!!!

My view when I'm working
I'm in a aircon rm!
Life good for me
* QT *
5/22/2010 10:29:00 PM
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Navy open house is from 22-23 MayBut I'm needed only on the 21st
I guess I'm doing the labour work?
Shall see how tmr
Must reach Tanah Merah at 7am
Another challenge
Went to get the John little schedule in the afternoon
Going for the cashier training on mon at ard Expo area!
I don't think I'm being paid for that
Basically I start on 25/05
Work 3 days
Off 1 day
And it's the first job I got this yr that I need not wake up so early
It's at causeway point!
Round 2 part time jobs starts now
Shall sleep early tonight... ...
* QT *
5/20/2010 09:39:00 PM
Went Kbox despite the coughing etcThough I kept drinking water
I still lost my voice
Force down 1L of water in the morning before going out
And I guess it sounds normal
My throat really feels weird.
Photo shooting for drumzout finalist today
It's quite fun
Hopefully can get to see the photos soon
Moving out of my rm tomorrow
Or rather today morning
Hopefully they finish the work fast
Then I can move back to my rm
Living in a house with renovation going on is really inconvenience
Gonna get my schedule for john little in the afternoon
Hope nothing goes wrong
I'm suppose to get it today but I've told the person I'm not free
They called me and ask if I'm coming down
Shall see how tmr... ...
* QT *
5/20/2010 12:16:00 AM
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Out of JobBut
No need to wake up at 4am anymore
No need to go for the first train
No need to open that heavy door
No need to stand for so long
No need put make up
I shouldn't be happy when I'm out of job
* QT *
5/13/2010 10:56:00 PM
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
My nose tap has been open since morningAnd I feel weird in my throat also
Must be due to the super strong air con in the rm
Went home earlier today
Implies I earn less
Shall sleep early today so that I can still go work tomorrow
My leg still hurts
Despite I didn't stand very long time today
[We finally put chair at the back for us to sit]
But I guess the previous 2 day have done enough damage to the leg
It needs time to recover
Going to sleep soon... ...
* QT *
5/12/2010 08:22:00 PM
Monday, May 10, 2010
Working as event crew at Marina Bay sandsToday is the first day of conference
My leg hurt from all the standing
And there's only 4 session today
Tomorrow there's 6 I think
Hope I can survive!!!
This job is from 9-13 May
Navy open house on 21 may
I got John Little (causeway pt) job from 25May-7 June (I think)
So now I need jobs lobang from june onwards!
* QT *
5/10/2010 10:09:00 PM
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Went for haircut yesterday at chapter 2
I decided to highlight my hair

I think my eyes look a bit weird in this pic
Hopefully the colour of my hair is obvious
Cause my mum only asked me this afternoon
“你昨天没发现吗? 我还站在你面前讲了很多话"

Side view
Though the hairstyle remains the same
After that
Went to enroll malay language class with MY
And we had our dinner at this shop
Fruit paradise I think
Their fruit tart looks super nice
But in the end I never try as quite full from the late lunch

Strawberry smoothies which doesn't look like one

Strawberry soda!

This reminds me of curry flavor
But the food can't compare to the ones at there
Maybe next time shall just try the tarts
* QT *
5/06/2010 09:43:00 PM
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
初恋红豆冰It's a super nice show!!!
I love it!
And the prof replied me
Asking me to enjoy holidays first
He'll contact us again regarding the mini fyp
So I choose a correct prof?
Anyone got job lobang tell me!
* QT *
5/04/2010 11:33:00 PM
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Was heading home after AJCO concertOn our train journey to Jurong east
An ah pek sudden talked to me
A funny conversation
[everything in bracket was my thoughts but I didn't say it out. I just smiled to him]
"You got a happy face. so ppl talking to u also feel happy"
"You look young, still schooling? "
"orh ya"
"Which school? Nus? Ntu?"
"Oh, what course? Business, engineering etc etc"
"I study Chemistry"
"Oh, chemistry is good. It the best out of the 3 sciences. blah blah blah. Very few ppl can study that"
(erm, just my cohort alone that's 300+++ students)
"How your GP grade in A'level"
"I did badly for that"
"Did u pass?"
"Ya, I pass."
"Pass your GP means you're better than an A1 for english in O'level"
(-_-'' where's the link?)
And after that he started talking abt his son who studied political science
"The world has change. Nowadays girls talks very professional. Nothing about which guy is good or marriage... .... ... ... the world is changing as the girls get more educated"
And he just carry on with his talks and I just smiled at him
Occasionally a few orh and ya
And luckily it ended as we alight at JE and he continued to the stop after boon lay
(That's pioneer)
Do I really look like who is capable of chatting?
Taxi drivers also talked to me when I took taxi
And is not the first time random Ah pek/granny talked to me
But sometimes it's quite fun
Especially the way they talked!
It's a nice experience^_^
* QT *
5/01/2010 11:43:00 PM
I wanna go K!I wanna go Sungei Buloh!
I wanna go Jurong Bird park!
I wanna go Zoo!
I wanna Botanic Garden!
I wanna go Shopping!
I wanna watch 红豆初恋冰!
I wanna travel!
So many wants
So little money... ...
Haiz... ...
* QT *
5/01/2010 02:15:00 PM