Thursday, May 26, 2011
Taiwan trip 27/05-10/06 :)
And result for panel interview is out
I'm not selected
So it's officially no more sch related stuff
Shall enjoy my trip!
I hope the typhoon will change direction
* QT *
5/26/2011 10:50:00 PM
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Poster presentation was over!I guess I clam down after the 1st person came and ask
Surprisingly, the one who I thought will ask lots of tough qn didn't ask
In fact
He sounded quite nice
But didn't ans to the qn for the other one
Not even know what I'm saying after he throw the qn to me
Hope it's really over
I hope I wont get panel interview
I'm suppose to keep 10 working days free after poster presentation
I'm off to Taiwan next friday!
Let today be the last day
I don't want any panel interview!
* QT *
5/21/2011 01:57:00 AM
Friday, May 20, 2011
Poster presentation in 2hrs timeI'm getting nervous
又不是没有poster presentation过
最后倒数... ...
* QT *
5/20/2011 10:08:00 AM
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Finally get to eat salad from salad shopAnd went to sing k too!
It's poster presentation tomorrow
Yet I'm playing today
Wish me luck.
I'm not sure what qn will come out
Please please please
Let the 2.5 hr pass peacefully
15.5 hours to go... ...
* QT *
5/19/2011 11:00:00 PM
Submitted poster ytd afternoonWhat left will be tmr presentation
Hope everything goes well
Wish me luck!
28 more hours...
* QT *
5/19/2011 10:39:00 AM
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Just submitted another poster draft I hope that it'll pass this time
Hope that the fits for the spectrum are really fit
Hope that no more changes
Hope that I can submit the poster soft copy this afternoon
No it's not a hope
I must submit it this afternoon
Please please
Pray hard that no more changes to the poster draft
2 more days... ...
* QT *
5/18/2011 12:58:00 AM
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Just sent poster draft to my profHope there won't be too much changes
But this poster is kind of messy
With lots and lots of figures
Nothing I can do now till he reply
9 more days to presentation...
* QT *
5/11/2011 01:28:00 AM
Monday, May 09, 2011
My prof replied my email this morningAnd pointed out that both my figures are the same
And yes, they are the same
Done all my last minute change in the morning
I submitted my report!!!
Now report is done
It's time to do poster and prepare for next Friday presentation
And after that
It's freedom! :)
And I wonder is the convocation schedule confirmed?
If it is
I'll be graduated on my birthday!!! :)
11 days left
Jiayou! :)
* QT *
5/09/2011 10:25:00 PM
Sunday, May 08, 2011
Sent my draft to my prof on Friday eveningNo news
Initially I've no intend for him to read draft
But on Thur when I went to ask him qn
He said can send to him after I finish
Now I did my report
Finish printing it
Hopefully I can submit to him tomorrow
Hopefully no changes in the draft
Since the draft is 85% alike to my final
And most importantly
I don't think I've time to change my report
Report is due 10 may (coming tuesday) 10am!!!
Please please please
Just directly accept the final draft!
I just wanna submit my report!
* QT *
5/08/2011 11:42:00 PM
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Working on my reportMax 40 pages for report content
I'll be happy if my report can reach 20 pages
It seems others quite easily can write up to 30+ pages
But it isn't in my case
Seriously I'm not sure what am I writing in my report
And I guess I've dump too many concepts that were being learnt during yr 3&4
Implies everything I wrote seemed easy?
My aim is to submit report tmr
But I guess it'll be hard
Have to wait till next wk
Hopefully monday
Don't want to wait till last minute on Tuesday 10 am
Off to report writing again!
4 more days to report submission
15 more days to freedom!!!
* QT *
5/05/2011 10:47:00 AM